
Machines Aren’t Our Friends, Media Moguls Tell AAPA

In this new industrial age, machines are going after white collar jobs...brain power jobs. In the words of Hilary Clinton, "Machines are not our friends." That thought was echoed by Fred Raillard & Farid Mokart…

Islam Foundation Head Says Muslims Should Try More to Integrate

img_3576-cheve-panoramiqueFrance’s decision to name a non-Muslim to head its Foundation for Islam, in the wake of the terrorist attack during Bastille Day celebrations in Nice this summer, was…

Freelancers Get Expert Advice at AAPA/NUJ Joint Seminar

image How do you survive and prosper as a freelance writer in France at a time when the media industry in undergoing such rapid change? Participants at our third freelance seminar (the first two took place in 1995 and 2004)…

AAPA’s June Gala Was Another Big Hit

IMG_2906 The 2016 AAPA Gala was another resounding success this year despite the showery weather that kept us indoors. Held on Tuesday, June 14, at the residence of our honorary co-president U.S. Ambassador Jane D. Hartley, it…

Political Islam expert explores roots of jihad with AAPA

Five days before the March 22 attacks in Brussels, French political philosopher Olivier Roy told the AAPA that Islamic State is reaching its territorial limits and French jihadists are more a product of a generational revolt than a political struggle. Roy, a professor at the European University Institute in Florence, spoke to 25 AAPA members during a lengthy Q&A session on March 17 at Bloomberg’s…

AAPA Gets Inside Story on Immigration, Citizenship Issues

IMG_2189 AAPA members now have a much deeper understanding of the controversial issues in France of immigration, citizenship and national identity after meeting on January 28 with Patrick Weil, historian and director of…

Climate Talks Must Be a Success, Nicolas Hulot Tells AAPA

FullSizeRender page 2 There was no doubt in the mind of Nicolas Hulot that the COP21 conference on climate change would be a success. Speaking to a group of AAPA members five days before over 140 heads of state and…

AAPA Gears Up for COP21 Climate Change Conference

Celine Ramstein 1-edited-1_edited-1 AAPA members now know the who, what, where, when and why of the upcoming COP21 conference on climate change thanks to a briefing on Nov. 3 from Celine Ramstein,…

Annual Gala Reflects Thriving AAPA

Nearly 100 AAPA members and their guests had reason to cheer when they gathered for our annual Gala garden party – traditionally our most prestigious and well-attended event - on June 10. Once again, we were…

Minister Warns on Militant Secularism in Schools

  France must avoid being overly dogmatic in the interpretation of rules separating church and state, and “militant secularism” of the kind that bars mothers with headscarves volunteering on school outings…