Macron's diplomatic advisor outlines presidential foreign policy

NATO, Trump, Brexit, Russia, trade, EU reform, European strategic sovereignty:…

Fashion's Commitment to Sustainability: Kering CSO Speaks to the AAPA

Kering's Chief Sustainability Officer and Head of International Institutional…

Muslim and Jewish «best friends » bring women together to fight anti-Semitism and racism

On November 12th The Anglo American Press Association had a meeting and…

Shaking it up at the Châtelet

A rare chance to watch the final rehearsals for a musical at the Théâtre du…

Preparing for Brexit - the Irish Angle

With Brexit possibly going ahead on October 31, with or without a deal, the…

Women spies and how to write a best-seller

With an eye on D-Day stories and tips on how to write a best-selling novel,…

Europe Minister de Montchalin tells AAPA that France’s Brexit red lines stand

One of the newest and youngest members of the French government met the…

Renault Chairman Talks Auto Alliances with AAPA

The future of the alliance between carmakers Renault and Nissan and Renault’s…

SAFE HAVEN FOR JOURNALISTS - La Maison des Journalistes

Since its creation in 2002, La Maison des Journalistes has assisted almost 400…