Russian Sanctions: Economic Weapons

The unprecedented barrage of coordinated economic sanctions on Russia in…

Who is cancelling whom? French sociologist, Michel Wieviorka, discusses the Woke craze in France.

WOKE: a nebulous catchall word that refers to cancel culture, "Islamo-leftism",…

Presidential candidate Michel Barnier meets with AAPA

The Anglo-American press club met with former minister, EU Brexit negotiator…

France plans new Terrorism Museum

Coinciding with the opening of the trial for the horrifying November 2015…

France's 'Monsieur Patrimoine' Stéphane Bern talks to the AAPA

Stéphane Bern, the ardent defender of France's cultural heritage, treated the…

Macron's road to reelection runs through Africa

How will Africa play out in a French presidential election year? On 21 June…

Sneak Preview of the Stunning Pinault Collection in the Bourse du Commerce

The AAPA visited the new Pinault Collection on May 18 (4 days before the…

French historian Benjamin Stora discusses French-Algerian reconciliation

AAPA members met with French historian Benjamin Stora, author of a recent and…

Britain Post-Brexit

The AAPA welcomed back an old friend on April 7 when veteran diplomat Lord…

'Nationalist' Marine Le Pen denounces 'globalist' Macron in meeting with AAPA

Marine Le Pen, leader of France's far-right Rassemblement National party, was…