AAPA Members Meet New Head Of UNESCO

Credit photo: UNESCO/Michel Ravassard Some thirty members had a first-hand chance to probe Irina Bokova’s background, experience and plans for UNESCO following her successful election as Director General of the Paris-based agency, in a newsworthy, lively event on Oct. 7. Our breakfast meeting with Bokova, still at that time Bulgaria's ambassador to France, took place at UNESCO headquarters,…

The press gang: what our members are up to

David Wingeate Pike's new book /Mauthausen: L'Enfer Nazi en Autriche/ (Toulouse: Editions Privat), with a preface by the survivor Pierre Daix, is out in the bookshops. Georgina Oliver's husband, Felix Rozen's latest exhibition (left) is at the Musée des Année 30 in Boulogne Billancourt. Barry James' son Sebastian (www.sebjames.com) has just completed a monumental mural painting on the Crédit…

Members discuss wine crisis, worst in 35 years

As Joe Ray wrote recently about a subject dear to many of our hearts, they say it's the worst wine crisis in France in 35 years. In Bordeaux, they say that it's the worst in 150 years. The problem? The numbers are down. Wine consumption within the country is beginning to lose out to beer and responsibility behind the wheel, while beyond French borders the rest of the world's winemakers are…

Simply British!

At the onset of the Christmas shopping period, Lady Holmes, wife of our honorary co-president, the British Ambassador in Paris, Sir John Holmes, greeted a group of AAPA members and guests, upstairs in the "inner enclave" of the Embassy Residence, before lunging into a show and-tell presentation of her successful cookbook, dubbed "Simply British!" During this informal champagne reception, munchies…

Jean-Pierre Jouyet, State Secretary for European Affairs

Jean-Pierre Jouyet, President Sarkozy’s key adviser on Europe and guide to France’s current presidency of the 27-nation European Union, spoke to the Association at a breakfast meeting on 23 October at Bloomberg News.

Flying visit to superjumbo

When a flock of AAPA members and some guests flew down to Toulouse to meet senior executives at Europe's commercial aircraft company, Airbus, little did they know they were creating history: it was the first time your association had taken to the air for a field trip. At a time when Airbus and its parent company EADS were making front-page news, the timing couldn't have been better, and the event…