Lazard Chief Gives AAPA Members His Take On France, Europe

    Lazard France CEO Matthieu Pigasse cut a smooth figure as he strode into Lazard’s boardroom for a breakfast meeting with some 20 AAPA members on April 30. His slim, pin striped suit and relaxed, open-shirt look were a surprising contrast to the somber portraits on the walls of the men who have run this venerable advisory and asset management firm for the last century and a half. At…

Longuet Briefs AAPA On Defense Issues

  In another first for the AAPA, our members met with Defense Minister Gerard Longuet for breakfast at the ministry on the rue Saint Dominique on April 6. Questions covered a broad…

Juppé Outlines Foreign Policy Concerns To The AAPA

“It’s been a long time since I’ve stopped believing in such a thing as ‘off’,” quipped French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, before launching into an expansive review of foreign policy issues for 30 AAPA members last…

US Envoy To UNESCO Provides Food For Thought

 The US Ambassador to UNESCO, David Killion, must have heard the journalistic injunction “follow the breakfast” as there was an elegant table laid out for some 15 AAPA members April 3 at the ambassador’s residence in the 16th arrondissement. Not all press breakfasts are so well prepared, as those who have bitten into dry, industrial-quality croissants while scribbling in their notebooks on an…

Getting to Grips with Wikileaks

Anyone who comes up against the courageous, controversial Julian Assange, is "condemned to spend eternity discussing the cosmic meaning of Wikileaks," wrote the New York Times' editor Bill Keller recently, based on his deep involvement in the controversial saga. While our two-hour, convivial meeting with one of Assange's most-loyal supporters, Vaughan Smith, was no eternity, we certainly came…

“Danny The Red” Meets The AAPA

If the 27-nations of the European Union want to re-launch their stagnating economies and EU political integration, it must be a collective effort and not that of one or even several leaders, and it will probably take years, according to Daniel Cohn-Bendit.   Speaking to some 20 AAPA members at the Paris headquarters of the European Parliament March 5, the outspoken leftist European deputy…

The Bank of France Opens Its Doors To AAPA

A group of 17 AAPA members had the rare privilege on Feb. 15 to meet with Bank of France Governor Christian Noyer over dinner in the central bank.  As an aperitif, we visited the glittering Galerie Dorée.…

Syrian Opposition Figure Speaks Out

 Bassma Kodmani, a member of the Executive Bureau of the Syrian National Council (SNC) and founder of the Arab Reform Initiative, warned AAPA members on Jan. 26 that if the international community doesn’t step in, the situation inSyriawill degenerate into civil war. Close to 30 members heard Kodmani give a pessimistic but realistic appraisal of developments on the ground and predicted little help…

Another Meeting With J-D Levitte

  Nearly 30 members met on Nov. 16 with President Sarkozy’s diplomatic adviser Jean-David Levitte. In keeping with the now-established tradition, the meeting was off-the-record and for members only, and took…


          Dear Fellow Members, The new AAPA committee held its first meeting November 28 and rapidly got down to work drawing up an exciting and challenging programme for the…